Thursday, October 14, 2010

Introducing Michael A. Bennett

Michael A. Bennett
They are a dying breed. Young men who have beautiful minds and dutiful attitudes. Young men who possess a passion for life and not just life but the abundant living of it. Young men who are meek yet not weak. Young men like Michael Bennett who stands head and shoulders above many with his sterling character. 

His friends say he is a fun-loving optimist. And these attributes seem to fuel the love he has for living. His great sense of humour gives way to his perspective on life’s vicissitudes. Though young, Michael has the conviction, and it is a good one, that there is always a way out of life’s difficulties. Always. Consequently, he does not allow himself to be washed away by challenges, but he maintains a consistency in all aspects of his life. Additionally, his love for all kinds of sporting activities stands out as a major part of who he is and what keeps him going. 

 Michael is a leader by nature. He possesses the heart of a servant. He is poised for servant leadership. His self-sacrificing disposition says so. His passion and vision confirms it. His amiable and affable spirits support it. And the members of the Inspirational Choir concur with it. 

An avid love for music was born and nurtured as his infant years were spent in a studio listening to music being created and recorded. His ears have been trained. His mind has become adept at creating soul stirring lyrics and music. A gifted songwriter he is. Further to that, his years of singing in groups and on choirs would have contributed to his proficiency as the new director of the inspirational choir. Great expectations will not be disappointed as Michael takes the baton and runs on with this choir, a choir has been blazed the trail in recent times and still has much further to go. His vision to see the choir reach even higher heights and his mission to, through this choir, revitalize an appreciation for real gospel music will no doubt be realized. 

Michael preparing the choir
Michael A. Bennett, the new director of the Inspirational Choir. A passionate sportsman, a reliable friend, a thorough student, a focused visionary, a purpose driven dreamer and devote Christian who trusts in the One whom he believes will cause his ambitions and intentions for this choir to all but fail.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Well Done

Closing Sabbath Service - Week of Prayer Fall 2010

The Inspirational choir’s performance on Sabbath, October 2010, was nothing short of an inspiration. We were not to be disappointed as the choir filed on stage in their trademark red, complimented by black and in some cases white. God’s blessings were delivered through the choir’s power-packed presentation of “For Every Mountain” with soloist Monique Campbell who performed leaving no doubt that she believed every word she sang. Under the able hands of conductor Michael Bennett, and equally talented director and keyboardist Wilton James, the choir handled the complex modulations of the song with ease. As each note was belted out effortlessly, we were reminded of how much we have to give God thanks for. The songs powerful ending was met with rousing applause and heartfelt amen’s.

And as if that was not enough, our hearts and minds were again captivated by the also powerful yet sobering delivery of Tye Tribbett’s “Well Done”. Michael Bennett, who this time doubled as keyboardist and soloist, gave a soulful rendition of the first verse and chorus leading us to envision the second coming of Christ. As the choir picked up the second verse, refrain and vamp under the directorship of Wilton James, our hearts were lifted further heavenward as each individual present imagined the day when we will all hear the words: “enter into my joy, faithful servant well done”. With the overwhelming emotional response from the congregation, it was evident that God had been seen, felt and heard. But the best is yet to come on October 23rd, 2010. Until then, well done! Inspirational Choir.
Larytha Fletcher